

  • Zakat al-Fitr is often referred to as sadaqat al-fitr. The word fitr means the same as iftar, breaking a fast and it comes from the same root word as futur which means breakfast. Thus, Islamically, Zakat al-Fitr is the name given to charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadan.
  • Zakat al-Mal (zakat of wealth) is due when a person's wealth reaches the nisab and they keep that amount or more for an entire lunar year. 

"Zakat are meant only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah . And Allah is Knowing and Wise." (9:60)

"They were enjoined only to worship God, sincere in their faith in Him alone - and of upright religion - and to establish the Salat and the Zakat. Such is the upright religion. (98:5)
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